Quiz Bowl
Two teams of four compete head to head to be the first to answer questions read by a moderator. Quiz Bowl is presented in cooperation with National Academic Quiz Tournaments (NAQT).
Quiz Bowl is an academic competition in which two teams of four students compete head to head using a buzzer system to be the first to answer questions read by a moderator. The fast-paced format tests the combined prowess of the teams to determine the ultimate winner.
Quiz Bowl is presented in cooperation with National Academic Quiz Tournaments (NAQT)
The thirteenth annual NCASA Quiz Bowl State Tournament was held March 16 at Page High School in Greensboro. We congratulate NCSSM Durham, our High School State Champion, and Smith Middle School, our Middle School State Champion! NCSSM Durham is shown above.
Here are the basics of NCASA Quiz Bowl
- A team has up to eight players but only four play at a time.
- Each match has twenty toss-up / bonus combinations, ten in each half.
- Each toss-up / bonus combination begins with a toss-up question available to any player on either team.
- As the question is being read any player may buzz-in to answer the question.
- A correct answer earns ten points and the right for that team to answer the three-part bonus question worth thirty points.