Here are the basics of NCASA Quiz Bowl
- A team has up to eight players but only four play at a time.
- Each match has twenty toss-up / bonus combinations, ten in each half.
- Each toss-up / bonus combination begins with a toss-up question available to any player on either team.
- As the question is being read any player may buzz-in to answer the question.
- A correct answer earns ten points and the right for that team to answer the three-part bonus question worth thirty points.
- An incorrect answer means only the other team may answer the toss-up and have the opportunity at the three-part bonus.
- Only the team answering the toss-up correctly may answer the three-part bonus question.
- Players may briefly confer with each other on the bonus questions but not the toss-up questions.
- Teams may substitute at halftime or just prior to any toss-up question. Halftime lasts just 30 seconds or so.
- Each match lasts 35-40 minutes. A typical tournament lasts all day and 7-8 matches are played by each team.
Complete rules can be found in our Competition Rules in the Resources section on the bottom left of each webpage. NCASA uses NAQT rules and questions for all quiz bowl competitions.