Dates: January 31 - February 1, 2025

Time: Middle School: Friday evening. High School: Saturday

Site: Atkins High School, Winston-Salem

Adjudication: The first stage of the event will be dedicated to schools interested in receiving adjudication but not being ranked against other schools. Scores and comments for these ensembles will be shared only with the dance educator.

Overall Team Awards will be based on the three highest scores for each high school and two highest scores for middle schools. 

A Recreation Division will be presented to encourage less experienced ensembles to participate and receive adjudication. Trophies will be presented to top recreation ensembles.


2025 High School Events: Jazz small ensemble, Jazz large ensemble, Hip-Hop small ensemble, Hip-Hop large ensemble, Contemporary/Lyrical small ensemble, Contemporary/Lyrical large ensemble, Student Choreographed small ensemble, Student Choreographed large ensemble, Dance Team

2025 Middle School Events: Jazz/Hip-Hop small ensemble, Jazz/Hip-Hop large ensemble, Contemporary/Lyrical small ensemble, Contemporary/Lyrical large ensemble

Four high school and two middle schools ensembles will be invited to perform at the North Carolina Showcase.